because the datum surface is perpendicular tothe direction of gravity at any point on it.but the horizontal surface is perpendicular to vertical at one point on it :D
In perfectly vertical wells, the TVD equals the MD; otherwise, the TVD is less than the MD measured from the same datum. Common datums used are ground level (GL), drilling rig floor (DF), rotary table (RT), kelly bushing (KB) and mean sea level (MSL).
'Range' is the difference between the lowest datum and the highest. When dealing with a set of data, it is often convenient to first arrange the datum from lowest to highest: 149, 247, 327, 470, 498, 562, 568 The range is 568 minus 149, or 419.
Range is a concept in math, which is defined as the difference of the highest and the lowest number in data.For example, you have the averages of the number of ants per square foot in several areas:87156223504337If you arrange it from lowest to highest, it will be easier to solve for the range.22387156337504Since range = highest datum (singular of data) - lowest datum, 504 - 2 = 502.In this data, the range is, therefore, 502.
14 is 125 % of the number 14/1.25 = 11.2, where the digit after the decimal point is depressed because it may not be significant. (The datum 14 has only two significant digits.)
DataFacts, statistics used for reference or analysis.Numbers, characters, symbols, images etc., which can be processed by a computer.Data must be interpreted, by a human or machine, to derive meaning"Data is a representation of information" *Latin 'datum' meaning "that which is given"Data plural, datum singular (M150 adopts the general use of data as singular. Not everyone agrees.)InformationKnowledge derived from study, experience (by the senses), or instruction.Communication of intelligence."Information is any kind of knowledge that is exchangeable amongst people, about things, facts, concepts, etc., in some context." *"Information is interpreted data"
Datum is an imaginary vertical plane from which all horizontal measurements are taken with the aircraft in a level flight attitude.
The horizontal datum used by GPS is the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84). It provides a consistent reference frame for defining positions on the Earth's surface.
A land surface datum is a reference point used to measure elevations on the Earth's surface. It provides a standardized starting point for determining heights and depths in a specific area, often used in mapping and surveying to ensure consistency in measurements. Common examples include the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) and the Mean Sea Level datum.
Archaeologists use a datum point to establish a consistent reference point for all measurements during excavations. This helps ensure accuracy and precision in recording the vertical and horizontal positions of artifacts and features. By having a fixed point of reference, archaeologists can maintain spatial relationships within the site.
vertical datum note
vertical datum note
national geodetic vertical datum
A leveling instrument, such as a level or a theodolite, is commonly used to find a horizontal datum. These instruments help in measuring and establishing a horizontal plane or reference point for a specific location.
horizontal datum note. good luck on NovaNet!
Datum surfaces are reference surfaces used in engineering and manufacturing to establish a common point for measurements and alignments. They provide a consistent and uniform starting point for design and quality control processes. Examples include planes, lines, and points from which other measurements are made.
Paragraph spacing.
A reduced level is the vertical distance between a survey point and the adopted level datum