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Because otherwise you would have found the area of the rectangle/square (the rectangle/square being if you put two of the triangles together).

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Q: Why do you have to cut the area of a triangle in half?
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What is the effect on the area of a triangle if the base is doubled and the height in cut in half?

you can cut a triangle directly

What is the effect on area of a triangle if the base is doubled the height is cut in half?


Why is the area of the triangle half the base times the height?

Because a triangle is half of a rectangle. The area of a rectangle is length times width, the area of a triangle is half that.

How is a triangle and rectangle alike?

They are both polygon. If you cut a rectangle diagonally, you will have two triangles. And if you want to figure out the area of a right triangle, you can treat it as a rectangle and then cut your calculation in half to get the correct answer.

How can you find the area of any triangle?

You multiply half of base times height so find base times height and cut it in half.

How are the formulas for area of a triangle and rectangle similar?

the area of a triangle is half of the base times the height the area of a triangle is half of the base times the height

What happens to the area of a triangle if the base is doubled and the height is cut in half?

the area remains constant justin biebeeZ a gay hot lord hahahah

How do you find the area of a rectangle with a triangle attached to the side?

you split your shape in half, (The rectangle and the triangle), by putting a line through it and then calculate the area of the rectangle and then calculate the area of the triangle, half the area of the triangle then add the area of the triangle and the rectangle together!Then you should have your answer!

What shape is a pyramid cut in half?

A triangle

What shape do you get when you cut pyramid in half?

Trapizoid &triangle

How is the area of a triangle related to the area of a parallelogram?

If the heights and bases are the same, then the triangle is half the area of the parallelogram.

When you do area do you add or multiply?

you multiply length times width and if its a triangle you multiply length times width and divide by two or cut in half (: