It probably has something to do with the relatively simplistic and probable use in early times before measurement standardization of using ones foot to provide a estimate of length. When standardization became widespread (based on the theory presented above) the inches in a foot must have been decided to be 12 inches, which is relatively close to the average American shoe size of 10.5
You cannot.A foot is a measure of length or distance in 1-dimensional space while a square foot is a measure of area in 2-dimensional space. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.You cannot.A foot is a measure of length or distance in 1-dimensional space while a square foot is a measure of area in 2-dimensional space. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.You cannot.A foot is a measure of length or distance in 1-dimensional space while a square foot is a measure of area in 2-dimensional space. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.You cannot.A foot is a measure of length or distance in 1-dimensional space while a square foot is a measure of area in 2-dimensional space. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.
A running foot is the same a a foot or a linear foot - a measure of 30.8 centimetres.A running foot is the same a a foot or a linear foot - a measure of 30.8 centimetres.A running foot is the same a a foot or a linear foot - a measure of 30.8 centimetres.A running foot is the same a a foot or a linear foot - a measure of 30.8 centimetres.
You don't. A centimetre is a measure of distance while a square foot is a measure of area. The two measure different things and it makes no sense to try to convert from one to the other.
None. A yard is a measure of distance, a square foot is a measure of area. The two measure different things and it makes no sense to try to convert from one to the other.
Nothing. A cubic foot is a measure of volume while an inch is a measure of distance. The two measure different things and it makes no sense to try to convert from one to the other.
Running Foot (ft) is a measure of distance. Square Foot (ft²) is a measure of area.
Zero. A square meter is a measure of area, whereas a foot is a measure of distance.
Length or distance.Length or distance.Length or distance.Length or distance.
A running or linear foot is simply a measure of distance. The measure is more commonly known simply as a foot.
They are two different things. A square foot is a measure of area. A linear foot is a measure of length or distance.
Measure the distance across the circle and multiply it by pi which is 3.14
A foot is a measure of dimension or distance. A pound is a measure of weight. They don't covert into eachother. Are you perhaps confusing them with foot-pounds which is a measure of torque?
A litre is a unit of capacity. A foot is a unit of distance. The two units are therefore incompatible.
A foot is a measure of distance, while the square foot is a measure of area. The two units are, therefore, incompatible.
A degree is a measure of rotation, a foot is a measure of distance. These two are incomparable.
lengths - materials distance - foot ball field
Is this a trick question? a square foot is an area of one foot times one foot. 50 foot is a measure of distance. Not area.