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Because anything times itself equals a perfect square and is considered that taking the square root of a perfect square (non negative numbers) which end result does not involve fractions but whole numbers is a perfect square.

1 x 1 = 1

sq.root(1) = 1

2 x 2 = 4 (Perfect square)

sq.root(4) = 2

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Q: Why is one a perfect square?
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Is 1 a perfect square?

One is a perfect square because 12 is one.

Is one fourth a perfect square?

No, a perfect square is the square of an integer number. Fractions are never a perfect square, as the square of an integer is always another integer.Actually fractions can be perfect squares an example is one ninth, it would be one third times one third which equals one ninth.

Does one squared number times another equal a third?

One perfect square times another perfect square does produce a third perfect square.

Is one a square?

Yes, it is a perfect square.

What is the largest perfect square of 205200000?

There can be only one perfect square for a number and for 205200000 it is 42,107,040,000,000,000

Can a root of a perfect square be negative?

Yes. Every perfect square has two roots: one positive and one negative.

Is One perfect square?

Yes.One is a perfect square.Because one has square root .sqrt(1)=1,1*1=1

What are the perfect squares for 12913171821252930?

There is only one perfect square and, for what it is worth, it is 166,750,006,485,200,713,138,435,033,584,900

How can you create a perfect square by moving only one matchstick in a matchstick puzzle?

To create a perfect square by moving only one matchstick in a matchstick puzzle, you can move one matchstick from the middle of one side to the middle of the opposite side. This will form a perfect square shape.

What is a non perfect square?

non perfect square is that it cannot be divided by any of the number . It is divided by only itself and one

Is one ninth a perfect square?

dont think so * * * * * A perfect square is a term that is normally used to refer to squares of integers and, in that respect, 1/9 cannot be a perfect square. However, it is the square of ± 1/3.

Is 200 a perfect square?

200 is not a perfect square. Its square root is a fraction and the square root of a perfect square is always an integer.