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Only if the two triangles have the same base and height then they have the same area, because an area of a triangle OS the base times the height divided by two.

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Q: Why is that if 2 triangles have the same base they have the same area?
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What is method of finding a triangles area?

The formula is A=1/2bh b=base of triangle h=height of triangle A=area 1/2=divide base times height by 2

What are the properties of isosceles triangles?

All isosceles triangles: - Have angles that add up to 180 degrees - Have two equal sides. The unequal side is called the base. - Have equal base angles. - Have areas and perimeters that can be found using the formulas Area=1/2 X (base X height) and Perimeter=side+side+side An equilateral triangle with a right angle is called a right isosceles triangle. Also, all equilateral triangles are isoceles triangles, but not all isosceles triangles are right triangles.

Formula for the area of a octagon?

The interior angles of an octagon are 135 degrees, which means that if you extend one of the sides, the complementary external angle is 45 degrees. So imagine an octagon instead as a square with four cut out right triangles on the corners. Let's start with the length of a side x. Since the right triangles have a hypotenuse x, we know that the legs are length (sqrt(2)/2)x. The area of the triangle is 1/2 * base * height, which means one triangle is x2 / 4. Since there are 4 triangles, the total area of the triangles is x2. Next, we need the area of the square. One side is a leg of the octagon plus two legs of our triangles, which would be x + (sqrt(2)/2)x + (sqrt(2)/2)x = x + sqrt(2)*x. Square this, and you get 3x2 + 2*sqrt(2)*x2. But! Subtract the area of the triangles from this, and you get (after some redistributing): A = 2x2 * (1 + sqrt(2))

How do you find square feet if all 4 sides are different lengths?

find the formula for that shape, which is made of 2 triangles, so if you find the base and height of each of those triangles, find the area of each and add them together, i think you should get the proper area

Which 2 shapes make up a square pyramid?

Triangles (four of) and a square.One square as base and four triangles as sides.

Related questions

Is it true or false that two triangles that have the same base have the same area?

False. The equation for area of a triangle is 1/2 base x height. The height and the base would have to be the same for two triangles to have the same area.

Are two triangles congruent if they have same area?

Not necessarily. You find the area of a triangle with the formula 1/2*base*height=Area. Imagine two triangles, one with 3 inches for both the base and height, and one with 4.5 inches for the height and 2 inches for the base. Both of these triangles will have 9 sq. in. for their areas, but they are not congruent.

How do you do area of triangles?

area = 1/2 base x height

How do you find the area of triangles?

area = 1/2 base x height

How is the area triangle related to the area of a rectangle?

two right triangles = full rectangle That is - if you multiply height times base of a triangle, the area will be 1/2 of a rectangle having the same height, and a width the same as the triangle base.

How do you find the area of the triangles if you only have the base and the height?

area =1/2 base length x height

What is the formula for the area of triangles?

A=1/2 base x height

Are 2 triangles congruent if they have the same area?

Not always

The area of a triangle is found by multiplying the length of its base by its height?

No, a triangles area is calculated from base x height / 2

Find the area of an isosceles triangle?

For all triangles: area = 1/2 * base * height

What is the area of a scalene?

All triangles have the same formula A=bh/2. Pick any side you like as a base and multiply by half the height, it will always give the area.

How many triangles have the area of one?

Any triangles where the base multiplied by the height equal 2, so technically, infinity.