

Why is the percent yield above 100?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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a percent yield will be above 100 if the product used are wet or more likely impure.

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Q: Why is the percent yield above 100?
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How is percent yield caculated?

Percent yield is calculated by dividing the actual yield (the amount of product obtained in a chemical reaction) by the theoretical yield (the amount of product that should be obtained according to stoichiometry) and multiplying by 100 to get a percentage. This formula allows you to determine how efficiently a reaction was carried out by comparing the actual yield to the maximum possible yield.

Dividing the actual yield by the theoretical and multiplying it by 100 is called?

calculating the percent yield.

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why don't reactions give us a 100 percent yield?

If the actual yield of Mg3N2 is 47.87 g and the theoretical is 50.26 g What is the percent yield?

The percent yield can be calculated using the formula: (actual yield / theoretical yield) x 100%. Plugging in the numbers, we get (47.87 g / 50.26 g) x 100% = 95.28%.

What if i don't know the yield percent?

Do you need it? Are you being told to calculate it? percent yield = (actual yield) divided by (theoretical yield) x 100

What is the Formula for percentage yield?

Percentage yield = (Actual yield / Theoretical yield) x 100% The percentage yield for a reaction is a value between 0 to 100 percent.

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If this is the actual yield, real amount produced, then you need the theoretical yield to find the percent yield. % yield = (actual yield / theoretical yield) x 100

What would be the percent yield of the reaction be if the theoretical yield is 11.22 g but the actual yield was 8.67 g?

Percent yield can be calculated using the formula: (actual yield / theoretical yield) x 100%. In this case, it would be (8.67 g / 11.22 g) x 100% = 77.1% yield.

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Why should the maximum percent yield never be above 100?

Because the yield can never exceed the quantity in the original mix. ie if an ore sample contains 3% of a mineral, if that 3% is extracted totally, then the yield is 100% and cannot be more because that's all there is in the sample.

The actual yield of the given reaction is 14.4what is your percent yield?

To calculate percent yield, you would use the formula: (actual yield / theoretical yield) * 100%. If the actual yield is 14.4 and the theoretical yield is not provided, the percent yield cannot be calculated accurately without the theoretical yield.

What sources of experimental error lead to a percent yield higher than 100 percent?

The reaction may have not been complete yet, therefore resulting in a higher percent yield than 100%