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According to Wikipedia (see link), a human eye with excellent acuity can distinguish between lines that are 0.35 mm apart, held at a distance of 1 meter.

That is 350 micrometres or 350,000 nm - somewhat larger than the 250 nm in the question!

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Q: Will you be able to distinguish two points that are 250 nm apart as being separate or will they blur into one?
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Numerical aperture 1.25 medium poser 0.25 filter 520 nm. What is the resolution. Can you distinguish two points that are 330 nm apart as being separate or will they blur into one?


Will you be able to distinguish two points that are 330 nm apart as being separate or will they blur into one?

If the numerical apertures of the condenser and low power objective lenses are 1.25 and 0.205 respectively and you are supplied with a filter that selects a wavelength of 521 nm then the answer is YES! 520/(1.25 + 0.25) = 347 nm and your two points in question are shorter in distance as they are only 330 nm apart.

Why it is necessary to use an empty circle to graph solutions of inequalities?

It is not necessary - it is a convention to distinguish between the end points of a range being included or not in the solution.

What is the meaning of distinguishable?

Not set apart from others by visible marks; to make distinctive or discernible by exhibiting differences; to mark off by some characteristic., To separate by definition of terms or logical division of a subject with regard to difference; as, to distinguish sounds into high and low., To recognize or discern by marks, signs, or characteristic quality or qualities; to know and discriminate (anything) from other things with which it might be confounded; as, to distinguish the sound of a drum., To constitute a difference; to make to differ., To separate from others by a mark of honor; to make eminent or known; to confer distinction upon; -- with by or for., To make distinctions; to perceive the difference; to exercise discrimination; -- with between; as, a judge distinguishes between cases apparently similar, but differing in principle., To become distinguished or distinctive; to make one's self or itself discernible.

What do you call two points that lie on the same line?

Any two points lie on the same line, since a line can be drawn through any two points.Three points that lie on the same line are described as being "collinear" points.

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Numerical aperture 1.25 medium poser 0.25 filter 520 nm. What is the resolution. Can you distinguish two points that are 330 nm apart as being separate or will they blur into one?


Will you be able to distinguish two points that are 330 nm apart as being separate or will they blur into one?

If the numerical apertures of the condenser and low power objective lenses are 1.25 and 0.205 respectively and you are supplied with a filter that selects a wavelength of 521 nm then the answer is YES! 520/(1.25 + 0.25) = 347 nm and your two points in question are shorter in distance as they are only 330 nm apart.

What term describes the ability of a microscope to distinguish two objects as being separate?


What is the best definition of separate?

One can define separate as being apart. It may also mean to keep apart or divide, to remove or break an association with something or someone. Separate can be used as a verb, adjective or noun.

What is the difference between apart and a part?

The word "apart" is an adverb that means separate or not together. It suggests something being divided or separated. On the other hand, "a part" refers to being a component or element of something larger. It indicates being included or involved in a whole.

Why it is necessary to use an empty circle to graph solutions of inequalities?

It is not necessary - it is a convention to distinguish between the end points of a range being included or not in the solution.

Am i still married but separate for 15yrs?

Once married, you remain so until you die or are legally separated (divorced). Just being separate (apart) is not enough to be "unmarried",

What does apart mean?

apartadj adv (postpositive) 1. to pieces or in pieces, he had the television apart on the floor2. placed or kept separately or to one side for a particular purpose, reason, etc; aside (esp in the phrases setor put apart)3. separate in time, place, or position; at a distance, he stood apart from the group, two points three feet apart4. not being taken into account; aside, these difficulties apart, the project ran smoothly5. individual; distinct; separate, a race apart6. separately or independently in use, thought, or function, considered apart, his reasoning was faulty7. apart from (preposition) besides; other than

What is the difference between separate and separate?

One of the words is a verb, "to separate", pronounced [sep-uh-reyt]. It defines the action of keeping things apart or dividing something. For example, Bob separated the two apples from each other.The other word is an adjective, "separate", pronounced [sep-er-it]. It defines an object or multiple objects being apart or divided. For example, the two apples are separate.

What does separated mean?

Separate means you have been parted.(left from something or someone.)Separate mean when you writing about poems also feels separate from them by Chris Jackoboyif you meant separate, it means to keep apart or to divide. example: "when you wash clothes, make sure you separate the darks from the lights." or "my husband and i have been separate for a year"

What does the Latin root word cert mean?

-cern-,-cert, -cret-, -cree- are all from L. cernare, to sift, separate, and means "judge, establish as true, sift, separate". [These less stringent roots are etymologically related to the more harsh roots -crit-, -cris-, -crim- from Gr. krinein, to separate, judge.](certain, certificate, certify, certiorari, certitude, concern, decern, discretion, excrement, incertitude, recrement, secern, secernment, secret)ascertain (GRE) v. (as-, to + L. certus, certain pp of cernare, to decide, resolve) To find out or learn for certainty, by trial, examination, or experiment.decree (GRE) n. (L. decretum, a decree. de-, from + -cree-, judge) To determine judicially by authority what a subordinate or one with authority is to do in a certain case.discern v. (dis-, apart + -cern-, separate) To see or understand the difference; to make distinction. To see and identify by noting differences; to discriminate.discernible adj. (discern- + -able, able, Qu, T) Capable of being discerned by the eye or understanding.discreet adj. (dis-, apart, from + -crete, judge, separate) Prudent, careful in avoiding evil; cautious; wary; judicious; heedful. Careful about what one says or does.discrete (GRE) adj. (L. discretus, to distinguish, to separate. dis, apart, from + -crete-, separate, see) Separate, distinct, disjunct, made up of distinct parts.excretion n. (ex-, out + -cret-, separate, sift + -ion, S, P, R, A) To separate and throw off or out. The act of excreting; getting rid of waste matter; sweat, urine, etc.indiscernible adj. (in-, not + dis-, apart + -cern-, separate, see + -ible, capable of) Imperceptible; not discoverable or visible.indiscreet adj. (in-, not + discreet) Wanting in discretion; injudicious; imprudent; heedless.secrecy n. (L. secretus, pp. of secernere,to set apart. se-, apart + -cret-, separate + -y, Qu, A, C) A quality of being secret or hidden.secretary n. (LL. secretarius, one entrusted with secrets) A person hired to write letters, keeps records, or to do writing for others. Amanuensis.secretive adj. (se-, apart + -cret-, separate + -ive, related to, Qu, T) Tending to secrete; secretive.

Song in yes man during the bike ride?

separate ways by journey. does anyone know the song that is being played when Jim Carey first goes to the 'yes man' rally??? it has a techno beat kind of..