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Q: You please answer my question If a number is by another number what if the quotient is counting the number and the remainder zero?
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What is a number that is divisible by another if the quotient is a counting number and the remainder is zero?

That's a multiple.

When do you say a number is divisible by another number?

When their quotient has no remainder.

Is quotient known as remainder?

No. When you divide a number by another number, let's say 26/4, you can't always get a perfect number. In this case, 6*4 is 24, and you have 2 "remainder", or 2 left over. The quotient is the whole answer, in this case 6 remainder 2. So the remainder is part of the quotient, but not the whole quotient itself.

When dividing decimals can you have a remainder in the quotient?

the Remainder is divided by the outside number to form another decimal, which is added onto the end of the answer.

When is a number divisible by another number?

The divisor is divided into the dividend producing a quotient and no remainder.

Is 234 divisible by 9?

Yes, 234 is divisible by 9 because on dividing 234 by 9 we get 26 as quotient and 0 as remainder. A number is divisible by another number if: 1- Quotient is a whole number 2- Remainder is zero

How can I interpret the remainder?

When you divide one number by another, you will have a quotient which represents the number of times the divisor into the dividend and the remainder represents what proportion of the divisor is left over.

What is the only prime number which when divided by another prime number leaves the same remainder as quotient?

3 divided by 2 gives 1r1

What is the possible arrays you can arrange 18 buttons in?

You can only do multiplation so a whole number is divisble by another whole number when the quotient is a whole number and the remainder is 0

What is a quotent?

Quotient is the result of a divisor dividing a dividend. For example 3 divide by 2 is 0.666... 3 is the divisor, 2 is a dividend and 0 is the quotient, as for the recurring 6's they are the remainder.

A number that can be divided and not have a remainder?

If it can be divided by another certain number, it doesn't have a remainder...That is just repeating the question, not helping.

Can some person explain how a divisor and a quotient are related?

A divisor is a number that divides another number, also known as the dividend, without leaving a remainder. The quotient, on the other hand, is the result of dividing the dividend by the divisor. In other words, the quotient is the answer to a division problem. The divisor and the quotient are related in that the divisor is used to divide the dividend and obtain the quotient.