Binary bits are necessary to represent 748 different numbers in the sense that binary bits are represented in digital wave form. Binary bits also have an exponent of one.
24, or 16 (0 through 15) One binary digit (bit) can have 21 values (0 or 1). Two bits can have 22 values. Three bits can have 23 values. A five-bit number can have 25 values... and so on...
10. From right to left, each digit is double the previous one, like this: 8, 4, 2, 1.
There are a variety of units used to measure computer systems. One is the bit, which is essentially a 1 digit binary number. This can be used to describe the "bit width" or how large a number your computer can handle at once. An 8 bit computer can handle up to an 8 digit binary number, equivalent to 256. Another unit is the hertz, which is the number of times your computer can do one command in a second. A 3 GHz computer can do 3 billion commands in 1 second. There are many other less used units but those 2 are the most common. Note that these are not measurements of the "computer system". One is a measurement of information quantity, the other is a measurement of the frequency of electrical events. Similarly, a few other units associated with "computer system" measurements are the inch, the pound, and the dollar. Their specific definitions and applications aren't likely to require explanation.
Neither of the following are true about 1 bit, it can not represent decimal values 0 and 9 nor can it be used to represent one character in the lowercase English alphabet and one binary digit four binary. A true statement would be that 1 bit is represented by the decimal values 0 or 1.
Binary Digit
it's called a "bit"
8 bits (Bit is short for binary digit.)
A bit is an abstract concept, equal to one binary digit (0 or 1).
4 digits - representing 16 integers.
A bit is a contraction of "Binary Digit". It represents a single datum, which may have a value of zero ("off") or one ("on").
A single binary digit can represent one of two states: 1 or 0. These are often renamed as "true and false" or "on and off."
A "bit" is the most basic unit of digital information. It is a binary digit, representing either a 0 or a 1. A bit can have only two possible values, and it is used to represent the presence or absence of a certain property or condition. A string of bits is used to represent larger units of data, such as characters, numbers, and images.
A synchronous or asynchronous stream of signal consisting only of zero(no voltage) and one(position voltage) is called binary data stream. They may be bytestream, wordstream and so on. Sending unique binary pulses periodically create a binary digital signal. For example, you want to pass the number 346F5A through binary digital signal it will be 001101000110111101011010 Break it 0011-0100-0110-1111-0101-1010 you will find the binary equivalents of each digit. This example is very simple. Usually complex form of data are sent to and fro through data lines, be it the SATA cable of your hard drive, the USB port or the Internet.