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It depends on what size/kind of rock you want to use. Let's start with what I'll assume is the largest rock one would use in a rock garden - 3 to 5 in. River Rock: 1 Ton will cover about 80 sq. ft. if you want to make sure there are no "holes" 1 to 3 in. River Rock: 1 Ton will cover about 100 sq. ft. (no holes) 3/4 in. Rock: 1 Ton will cover about 150 sq. feet at 1.5" deep... & 120 sq. ft. at 2" deep 3/8 in. Rock - or crusher finds cover about the same as 3/4 in. Rock, but when using smaller rock, I like to cover at least 2" deep because there's more of a tendency for smaller rock to move around & settle, and you want to make sure you aren't looking at the weed barrier in half a year.

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One ton of topsoil will cover approximately 200 square feet. The coverage area is dependent upon the thickness of the topsoil.

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