The number has a decimal representation that terminates (after 9 digits). If it terminates, the number is rational.
Some decimals are rational, and some aren't. A decimal is rational when it terminates or repeats.
No, it terminates after 10 decimal places.
blank = representation.
It is a terminating decimal and so it is a decimal representation of a fraction.
It is already a decimal representation but as a fraction it is 884/625 simplified
If you can write the number as a fraction, with integers in the numerator and the denominator, it is rational. In the case of decimal numbers, if the decimal representation terminates (e.g. 2.16), or is periodic (perhaps after some initial digits, like 4.130202020202...), then it is rational. For numbers defined according to some rule, it is not always known whether they are rational or irrational. ILuv You!![; <3 Hope This Helps You!!(:
It means that it is a decimal representation of a rational fraction.
No, if a decimal does not terminate or repeat, it is not a rational number. Rational numbers can be expressed as a ratio of two integers, and their decimal representation either terminates or repeats after a certain point. Decimals that do not have a pattern and continue indefinitely are considered irrational numbers.
It is a decimal that terminates.