No, 5 is not a factor of 42. A factor of a number divides it evenly with no remainder. When you divide 42 by 5, it does not divide evenly and leaves a remainder of 2. Therefore, 5 is not a factor of 42.
No. These are the numbers that divide evenly into 30: 1 2 3 5 6 10 15 and 30.
A factor can divide into its multiple evenly.
In the decimal numbering system, if the number ends in 0 or 5 it is evenly divisible by 5. If it ends in any other number it is not.
The numbers that divide evenly into 30 between 1 and 11 are 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6.
Yes, 415 is divisible by 9 but it doesn't divide evenly. 415/9=46.111111111
These numbers go evenly into 415: 1, 5, 83, 415.
yes because 415 is divisable by 5
Not necessarily. 8 is a multiple but it does not divide evenly into 5.
These numbers divide into 15 evenly: 1 3 5 and 15.
Only the number 1 will divide evenly into 3, 5, and 8.The smallest number that can be divided evenly by 3, 5, and 8 is the number 120.
1, 2, 4, 5, 10, and 20 divide evenly into 20.
5 & 17
No, 5 is not a factor of 42. A factor of a number divides it evenly with no remainder. When you divide 42 by 5, it does not divide evenly and leaves a remainder of 2. Therefore, 5 is not a factor of 42.
No. These are the numbers that divide evenly into 30: 1 2 3 5 6 10 15 and 30.
10 can be divided evenly into 2 and 5, which are the factors of 10.