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Q: Does S have a line of symmetry?
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What is a figure that has point symmetry but not line symmetry?

The letters S and N have point symmetry but not line symmetry.

Does the letter s have a line of symmetry?

No, but it looks like it. Actually the leter S does have a line of symmetry. Not vertically but horizontally. See, S.

Which letters in the alphabet have both a vertical line of symmetry and a horizontal line of symmetry?

O, l, S, Z

Does e or s have line of symmetry?

A line of symmetry means that when you fold it in half that everything lines up perfectly. If you took the letter E and folded it in half sideways, does it line up perfectly? No. If you took an S and lined it up perfectly, does it over lap? Yes. Neither E nor S have a line of symmetry.

Which shape has a Rotational symmetry but not have line of symmetry?

The letters S, N, Z, for example.

What would a z have for a line of symmentry?

z does not have a line of symmetry. z does not have a line of symmetry. z does not have a line of symmetry. z does not have a line of symmetry.

Which line of symmetry does letter S has?

it goes straight through the MIDDLE lol it would look funny if it had a line of symmetry down the middle :):):):):)

Which shape has rotational symmetry but not line symmetry?

A shape does NOT need to have line symmetry in order to have rotational symmetry.For example, the letters N, Z and S can be rotated 180° to show symmetry, but none of these show line symmetry.When the folded part Line of Symmetry. Here I have folded a rectangle one way, and it didn't work.

What is the equation of the line of symmetry?


What is the difference between line symmetry and line of symmetry?

A symmetrical shape is said to have line symmetry. A shape that has line symmetry can have one or more lines of symmetry

Is a smiley face a line symmetry or rotational symmetry?

Line symmetry.

What makes a line of symmetry?

what makes a line of symmetry is that it has to be shared equel.That is what makes a line of symmetry.