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First, review the definition of an Armstrong, or narcissistic, number:

" a number that is the sum of its own digits each raised to the power of the number of digits."

So, you need to count the digits (to know what power to use), and extract the individual digits. This can be done in several ways; for example, you might convert the number to a string. In Java:

String numberAsString = "" + number;

Now it should be easy to figure out the length of the String (use the .length() method), and to extract the individual digits - check the methods available for strings. Then you need to convert the digits back to numeric data.

Another way is to get one digit at a time, starting from the right, using the "%" operator.

For example, 153 % 10 is equal to 3. Divide the number, 153, by 10 (integer division), then repeat to get the remaining digits. You might store the digits to an array.

First, review the definition of an Armstrong, or narcissistic, number:

" a number that is the sum of its own digits each raised to the power of the number of digits."

So, you need to count the digits (to know what power to use), and extract the individual digits. This can be done in several ways; for example, you might convert the number to a string. In Java:

String numberAsString = "" + number;

Now it should be easy to figure out the length of the String (use the .length() method), and to extract the individual digits - check the methods available for strings. Then you need to convert the digits back to numeric data.

Another way is to get one digit at a time, starting from the right, using the "%" operator.

For example, 153 % 10 is equal to 3. Divide the number, 153, by 10 (integer division), then repeat to get the remaining digits. You might store the digits to an array.

First, review the definition of an Armstrong, or narcissistic, number:

" a number that is the sum of its own digits each raised to the power of the number of digits."

So, you need to count the digits (to know what power to use), and extract the individual digits. This can be done in several ways; for example, you might convert the number to a string. In Java:

String numberAsString = "" + number;

Now it should be easy to figure out the length of the String (use the .length() method), and to extract the individual digits - check the methods available for strings. Then you need to convert the digits back to numeric data.

Another way is to get one digit at a time, starting from the right, using the "%" operator.

For example, 153 % 10 is equal to 3. Divide the number, 153, by 10 (integer division), then repeat to get the remaining digits. You might store the digits to an array.

First, review the definition of an Armstrong, or narcissistic, number:

" a number that is the sum of its own digits each raised to the power of the number of digits."

So, you need to count the digits (to know what power to use), and extract the individual digits. This can be done in several ways; for example, you might convert the number to a string. In Java:

String numberAsString = "" + number;

Now it should be easy to figure out the length of the String (use the .length() method), and to extract the individual digits - check the methods available for strings. Then you need to convert the digits back to numeric data.

Another way is to get one digit at a time, starting from the right, using the "%" operator.

For example, 153 % 10 is equal to 3. Divide the number, 153, by 10 (integer division), then repeat to get the remaining digits. You might store the digits to an array.

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15y ago
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15y ago

First, review the definition of an Armstrong, or narcissistic, number:

" a number that is the sum of its own digits each raised to the power of the number of digits."

So, you need to count the digits (to know what power to use), and extract the individual digits. This can be done in several ways; for example, you might convert the number to a string. In Java:

String numberAsString = "" + number;

Now it should be easy to figure out the length of the String (use the .length() method), and to extract the individual digits - check the methods available for strings. Then you need to convert the digits back to numeric data.

Another way is to get one digit at a time, starting from the right, using the "%" operator.

For example, 153 % 10 is equal to 3. Divide the number, 153, by 10 (integer division), then repeat to get the remaining digits. You might store the digits to an array.

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