Nobody Really knows.
Example:1/4 graphed........1/ do the rest. Schools for learning. pay attention and you will do great.
A continuous graph ?
It is a continuous line graph.
It means to put the coordinates you were given on the coordinate plane. Ex. (-3,2) you find it the on the coordinate plane and then you plot it or graph it
To graph points on a graph, typically for Algebra or Geometry. :)
It is a coordinate of x and y on the coordinate plane
no, coordinate graph is a graph made on a coordinate plane i.e xy-plane
A continuous graph ?
It is a continuous line graph.
It means to put the coordinates you were given on the coordinate plane. Ex. (-3,2) you find it the on the coordinate plane and then you plot it or graph it
well, you find the two cooridinates on the plane and then graph them! KINDA EASY!
To graph points on a graph, typically for Algebra or Geometry. :)
It is a coordinate of x and y on the coordinate plane
Not qualitative
A point on a graph that is not on the line or set of lines on a coordinate plane.
Coordinate Plane
a coordinate plane:)
it means that you are plotting the points on a graph, or XY coordinate plane