About 115 in three significants, no decimals!
To round 115 to two significant figures, you first identify the two most significant digits, which are 1 and 1. The third digit, 5, is the deciding factor for rounding. Since 5 is equal to or greater than 5, you round up the last significant digit. Therefore, 115 rounded to two significant figures is 120.
115 rounded to the nearest ten is 120
that would be 1.5
Rich Franklin won by KO in 1st round
Anything from 115 to 124.
Well, isn't that a happy little question! When we round 115 up to the nearest hundred, we look at the tens place. Since 115 is closer to 200 than 100, it rounds up to 200. Just a little brush of kindness and math can make everything a little brighter!
38 1/3 or 38.333333
115 - 102 + (3 x 5) = 30