120 is an integer. Integers aren't fractions or mixed numbers. You can write 120 as 120/1 or 119 and 4/4, but it wouldn't be in simplest form. The simplest form of any integer is the integer itself.
The prime numbers (factors) of 120 are: 2,3,5
There are 20 numbers with at least one five in the numbers from one to 120.
The GCF is: 120
120 times.
120 000 and pounds
120 is an integer. Integers aren't fractions or mixed numbers. You can write 120 as 120/1 or 119 and 4/4, but it wouldn't be in simplest form. The simplest form of any integer is the integer itself.
The prime numbers (factors) of 120 are: 2,3,5
The prime numbers (factors) of 120 are: 2,3,5
6 = Seks
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In writing 120 pounds in weight, you would use the numerical value "120" followed by the unit of measurement "lbs" or "lb" which stands for pounds. So, it would be written as "120 lbs" or "120 lb". It is important to include the unit of measurement to specify that the value represents weight in pounds.