There are 504 such numbers.
There are 5 numbers of 1 digit, 25 numbers of 2 digits, and 75 numbers of 3 digits. This makes 105 numbers in all.
Numbers formed should be of at least 3 digits means they may be of 3 digits, 4 digits, 5 digits or 6 digits. There are 6 choices for digit in the units place. There are 5 and 4 choices for digits in ten and hundred’s place respectively. So, total number of ways by which 3 digits numbers can be formed = 6.5.4 = 120 Similarly, the total no.of ways by which 4 digits numbers can be formed = = 360. the total no. of ways by which 5 digits numbers can be formed = = 720. The total no.of ways by which 4 digits numbers can be formed = = 720. So, total no.of ways by which the numbers of at least 3 digits can be formed = 120 + 360 + 720 + 720 = 1920.
There are 7,290 different 4-digit numbers that can be formed from the digits 1-9 without repetition.
There are 3024 of them.
There are 60480 numbers.
There are 504 such numbers.
There are 5 numbers of 1 digit, 25 numbers of 2 digits, and 75 numbers of 3 digits. This makes 105 numbers in all.
Numbers formed should be of at least 3 digits means they may be of 3 digits, 4 digits, 5 digits or 6 digits. There are 6 choices for digit in the units place. There are 5 and 4 choices for digits in ten and hundred’s place respectively. So, total number of ways by which 3 digits numbers can be formed = 6.5.4 = 120 Similarly, the total no.of ways by which 4 digits numbers can be formed = = 360. the total no. of ways by which 5 digits numbers can be formed = = 720. The total no.of ways by which 4 digits numbers can be formed = = 720. So, total no.of ways by which the numbers of at least 3 digits can be formed = 120 + 360 + 720 + 720 = 1920.
1 set