1,095 days.
1,095 days.
1,095 days.
1,095 days.
1,095 days.
1,095 days.
1,095 days.
1,095 days.
1,095 days.
1,095 days.
1,095 days.
1098 days
its easy,365 by 3=10951096 days in a leap yeardepending when its a leap year.
1461 days
A normal year has 365 Days. Once every 4 years there is a leap year, which is 366 days. If you don't count leap years as special then 12 years = 4380 Days If you count leap years, then 12 years = 4383 Days (3 extra leap year days)
4748 days.
As there are 365 days in a year (not leap year) then 1385 days will make 3 years and 290 days.
1095 - or 1096 if you include a leap-year.
Oh honey, 1095 days is 3 years and 0 months. You could have just asked me that straight up without all the fluff. But hey, now you know!
1095 days - or 1096 days if you include a yeap year.
1095 days. 1096 including a leap year!
3 years 2 months and 3 days (from Jan - Dec and no leap years)
366 x 3 = 1098