The only decimals that are integers are ones such as 4.00000 or -5.00 or 100.0. If there is anything other than 0 after the decimal place it is NOT an integer. So to add them, just add the numbers to the left of the decimal place.
to add decimals: -line up the decimal points -then starting at the farthest place to the right, add the decimal in each place -if the sum of the digits in a place are greater than nine,regroup the number to the place to its left. -check the sum by writing each decimal as an equivalent fraction and then adding these numbers or mixed numbers.
Infinitely many.
When doing your calculations, you should keep the values to as many digits as are available, then when you get to the final answer, look at the third decimal place (the thousandths place), and based on if it is 0-4 then you just truncate at the second decimal place, or if the thousandths place is 5-9 then add 0.01 to the number and then truncate at 2 decimal places.
move the decimal place two places to the right and add a percent symbol or you can simply multiply the decimal by 100
The only decimals that are integers are ones such as 4.00000 or -5.00 or 100.0. If there is anything other than 0 after the decimal place it is NOT an integer. So to add them, just add the numbers to the left of the decimal place.
explain why it is important to line up decimal numbers by their place value when you add or subtract them
to add decimals: -line up the decimal points -then starting at the farthest place to the right, add the decimal in each place -if the sum of the digits in a place are greater than nine,regroup the number to the place to its left. -check the sum by writing each decimal as an equivalent fraction and then adding these numbers or mixed numbers.
Infinitely many.
To convert a decimal into a percent, simply multiply the decimal by 100 and add a percent symbol, or in other words, move the decimal place two places to the right and add a percent symbol.
When doing your calculations, you should keep the values to as many digits as are available, then when you get to the final answer, look at the third decimal place (the thousandths place), and based on if it is 0-4 then you just truncate at the second decimal place, or if the thousandths place is 5-9 then add 0.01 to the number and then truncate at 2 decimal places.
Call 100 to be 100.000 then place it underneath the other number so the decimal points are in a vertical line, and then add, not forgetting the decimal point in the answer, in the same vertical line.
Look at the second(2nd) decimal place. If it is '5' or greater, then add '1' to the first decimal place. . Then drop the rest of the decimals. Hence 16.67 The second decimal place is '7' , so it is greater than '5'. So add '1' to '6' = 7 Hence 16.7 Ignore any more decimals to the right.
Move the decimal point two place to the left and add a percentage symbol.
move the decimal place two places to the right and add a percent symbol or you can simply multiply the decimal by 100