There are 90 palindromic numbers between 100 and 1000
1001 - 1991, etc = 10, x (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 8 = 80
Magsolve ka Naman boy!
There are eight such numbers.
There are 90 palindromic numbers between 100 and 1000
1001 - 1991, etc = 10, x (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 8 = 80
1001,1111,1221,1331,1441,1551,1661,1771,1881,1991,2002,2112,2222,2332,2442,2552,2662,2772,2882,2992,3003,3113,3223,3333,3443,3553,3663,3773,3883,3993,4004,4114,4224,4334,4444,4554,4664,4774,4884,4994: 40 numbers in all.
There are 107 numerical palindromes between the numbers 1 and 1000, starting from 2 to 999.
1 to 1000. Pilandromic 108
Magsolve ka Naman boy!
There are eight such numbers.
Only the multiples of 1000.
Eight of them.
2438 of them.