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Q: How many regular triangles tessellate around a central point?
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Why do shapes tessellate?

Shapes tessellate to fit around an interior angle. They also tessellate because they are regular polygons; non-regular polygons cannot tessellate. * * * * * Not correct. All triangles and quadrilaterals will tessellate, whether regular or irregular. Contrary to the above answer, a regular pentagon will not tessellate but there are 14 different irregular pentagons which will tessellate (the last was discovered in 2015). Three convex hexagons will do so as well. No polygon of 7 or more sides will tessellate - whether they are regular (contrary to the above answer) or irregular.

Which polygons cannot be used to form a regular tesselation?

Most regular polygons will not tessellate but if their interior angles is a factor of 360 degrees then they will tessellate or if their angles around a point add up to 360 degrees then they also will tessellate.

Why don't some regular polygons tessellate?

When a regular polygon can tessellate, it can be placed around a point (which has an angle of 360 degrees) with no 'space' left over. However some regular polygons don't tessellate because their interior angle is not a factor of 360 (does not go into 360 equally), meaning that there will be 'space' left over or it will overlap. To check if a regular polygon can tessellate, see if it's interior angle goes into 360 equally. (360/interior angle), if it does, it will tessellate and if it doesn't it's because the interior angle is not a factor of 360 meaning it will not fit round a point and won't tessellate.

What is the maximum number of regular polygons that can be arranged around a single point?

6 (triangles).

Why can't a regular octagon tessellate?

To be able to tessellate where a vertex meets other vertices, the total of those angles must be a full circle of 360°. The interior angle of an Octagon is 135° which does not divide into 360° which means there cannot be a complete number of vertices meeting and so it cannot, by itself, tessellate. However, two octagons meeting at a point would have 135° + 135° = 270° leaving 90° which is the interior angle of a square. So octagons and squares together will tessellate.

Can a regular hexagon tessellate the plane by itself?

Yes because each interior angle is 120 degrees and angles around a point add up to 360 degrees

Why do the interior angle in an equilateral triangle and the interior angle of a regular hexagon tessellate?

Because their angles are factors of 360 and angles around a point add up to 360 degrees

Do pentagons and hexagons tessellate together?

Oh, dude, like, totally! Yeah, pentagons and hexagons can totally tessellate together. It's like a math party where they fit together perfectly without any gaps or overlaps. So, yeah, they're like the best math buddies for tessellation.

How many triangles in this picture?

If there is a picture with 3 triangles and 1 upside down the the answer to that is OBVIOUSLY 5. Lol. The 4 triangles and the triangle going around the outside of the other little triangles inside of the picture.

What is a non regular tessellation?

Non-regular tessellations is a tessellation in which there is no restriction on the order of the polygons around vertices. There is an infinite number of such tessellations. These are tessellations with nonregular simple convex or concave polygons. All triangles and quadrilaterals will tessellate. Some pentagons and hexagons will.

Do dodecagons tesselate?

Yes, they tessellate with squares and hexagons. For every dodecagon , there are 6 squares and 6 hexagons to go around it. They tessellate because every = exterior angle on a dodecagon = 150 degrees . every interior for a hexagon - 120 degrees . every interior for a square - 90 degrees. This adds up to 360 at a point and this is why they tessellate perfectly

What are some triangles found in a home?

Have a look around you?