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100,000,000,000,000,000,000 Liters

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Q: How much water in a wading pool?
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How do you stop algae from growing in wading pools without using chemicals?

If it is just a wading pool dump the water out and let it dry in between use. They don't hold much water anyway since it is just a wading pool right?

What is a wading pool?

A swimming pool,swimming bath,wading pool, or simply apool, is an artificially enclosed body ofwaterintended forswimmingor water-basedrecreation.

How much water in liters will fit in a plastic wading pool?

I really have no idea how much.....go somewhere else you hobo!

How much liters does a wading pool hold?


How much bleach to disinfect a wading pool?

Depends on the size of the pool. Actually, a more useful answer is to simply use 2 qts of regular, unscented, household bleach for every 10,000 gallons of pool water.

A wading pool is no less risky than a a bath tub - what does this mean?

You can drown in an inch of water

How do you use wading in a sentence?

The waded through the river.

Which is the best estimate of the capacity of a wading pool?


What is walk through water called?

Wading Wading

What kind of pools need under 28 gallons of water?

A child's wading pool would be filled with less than 28 gals.

Which is bigger a wadding pool or a swimming pool?

All of the wading pools I have ever seen in over 20 years in the swimming pool business are very small compared to swimming pools. A wading pool is typically for small children. In general the pools are one foot or less in depth and anywhere from 6 feet to 10 feet circular or in a square. You cannot swim in a normal wading pool. A swimming pool generally starts at 2 and 1/2 feet to 3 feet in depth and goes to 6 feet or 8 feet. You can swim in a swimming pool because you have enough depth of the water to do so.

Is it possible to swim in the Ancient Wading Pool on Webkinz?

No. It's just a decoration.