Since you are only using one inch of water, there is no need to multiply the equation by one. The answer to that equation gives you the volume of water that your garden needs every week, and you can easily convert that number into gallons to give you a liquid measurement. 231 Cubic Inches amounts to 1 gallon of water; all you need to do now is divide the resulting number by this amount.
It is 67.5% of one inch.
One psi (pounds per square inch) is 27.7 inches of water. An inch of water is a unit of pressure which will raise water one inch. A cubic inch of water weighs 0.0361 pounds, so one psi is one over 0.0361 or 27.7 inches of water.
It depends on how fast the water is flowing. There isn't enough information to solve this.
Yes. One fourth inch is 0.25 inch. That is much larger than 0.02 inch.
8.15 gallons
taking the normal density of water as 1g/cc, the amount of water in 1 cubic inch would be 16.387064 grams. Addition about 1 cubic inch.
A lot
None. A square inch has no volume.
It is 67.5% of one inch.
One psi (pounds per square inch) is 27.7 inches of water. An inch of water is a unit of pressure which will raise water one inch. A cubic inch of water weighs 0.0361 pounds, so one psi is one over 0.0361 or 27.7 inches of water.
The question as posed is unanswerable. In order to compute the weight of an inch of water, one would have to know the volume, or area the one inch covers. (ie., a square foot of water one inch deep would weigh=X)
A two inch pipe can hold 0.1632 gallons per foot. It takes slightly over 6 feet of two inch pipe to hold one gallon of water.
One cubic inch of gasoline weighs approximately 0.4 ounces.
One square inch
One inch is equivalent to 2.54 centimeters.
It depends on how fast the water is flowing. There isn't enough information to solve this.
One pound of water one inch.