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You can't derive the direction only from the magnitude. A vector with the same magnitude can have different directions. You need some additional information to make conclusions about the direction.

You can't derive the direction only from the magnitude. A vector with the same magnitude can have different directions. You need some additional information to make conclusions about the direction.

You can't derive the direction only from the magnitude. A vector with the same magnitude can have different directions. You need some additional information to make conclusions about the direction.

You can't derive the direction only from the magnitude. A vector with the same magnitude can have different directions. You need some additional information to make conclusions about the direction.

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15y ago

You can't derive the direction only from the magnitude. A vector with the same magnitude can have different directions. You need some additional information to make conclusions about the direction.

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Q: How to find the direction of vector when the magnitude is given?
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That's it! You know everything there is to know about it. It's not as if you have to wander through a crowd of vectors and find one that matches the description. "Find the vector" means figure out its magnitude and direction. If the problem already gave you the magnitude and direction, then it's unlikely that it's asking you to 'find' that same vector.

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To add two vectors, place the tail of the second vector at the head of the first vector. The sum of the two vectors is the vector that connects the tail of the first vector to the head of the second vector. Calculate its magnitude and direction if needed.

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If they are parallel, you can add them algebraically to get a resultant vector. Then you can resolve the resultant vector to obtain the vector components.

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The magnitude of (i + 2j) is sqrt(5). The magnitude of your new vector is 2. If both vectors are in the same direction, then each component of one vector is in the same ratio to the corresponding component of the other one. The components of the known vector are 1 and 2, and its magnitude is sqrt(5). The magnitude of the new one is 2/sqrt(5) times the magnitude of the old one. So its x-component is 2/sqrt(5) times i, and its y-component is 2/sqrt(5) times 2j. The new vector is [ (2/sqrt(5))i + (4/sqrt(5))j ]. Since the components of both vectors are proportional, they're in the same direction.

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We get the Unit Vector

How vectors quantities be represented graphically?

They can be represented by a line made with a #2 pencil. The length of the line is made proportional to the magnitude of the vector, and some kind of identifying mark is made on or near one end of the line to show the direction of the vector.