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If you mean the length of one edge then it is 4cm because 4*4*6 = 96 square cm

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6y ago

The area of one side of the cube would be 16 square centimeters, so the length of each side must be 4 cm.

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6y ago

It is 4 cm.

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Q: If The surface area of a cube is 96cm2. What is the length of one side?
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What is the Edge length of a cube if the surface area is 96cm2?

surface area of a cube x = length of edge surface area of 1 face is "x squared" written (x^2) a cube has 6 surfaces, total surface area = 6(x^2) 96cm2 = 6(x^2) solve for x

What is the surface area and volume of a cube with an edge of 4 cm?

Surface area is 96cm2 Volume is 64cm3

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For a cube with sides of length x, surface area = 6x2 and volume = x3.

How do you get the surface area of a cube?

Length × Width × 6