No, it cannot.
No. It's classified as an impermissible number. The denominator of a fraction can't be zero, since that indicates division by zero which is 'undefined'.
There are several ways.They can be classified as convex or concave.They can be classified by the number of sides of equal length(s).They can be classified by the number of sides of equal angles.They can be classified by the number of parallel sides.
No - because it can be represented as a ratio : 8.01=801/100 Any number that can be represented as a ratio of 2 integers is classified as a rational number (other than that you can't use 0 for the denominator)
Any number that CAN be represented as a ratio of 2 integers is classified as a rational number (other than that you can't use 0 for the denominator) Any number that CANNOT be represented as a ratio of 2 integers is classified as an irrational number You can't have it both ways - either you can or cannot. To paraphrase Yoda "Can or Cannot - there is no both" NOTE: dividing by zero give you infinity which is a concept not a fixed number and thus neither inherently rational nor irrational
No, it cannot.
No. It's classified as an impermissible number. The denominator of a fraction can't be zero, since that indicates division by zero which is 'undefined'.
Rational numbers
Most people are confused by the number 0, unsure if it's an integer to begin with and unaware of its placement as a number because it technically signifies an empty set. Under the rules of parity, is zero even or odd? As a whole number that can be written without a remainder, 0 classifies as an integer.
There are several ways.They can be classified as convex or concave.They can be classified by the number of sides of equal length(s).They can be classified by the number of sides of equal angles.They can be classified by the number of parallel sides.
elemants are classified by the atomic number.
No - because it can be represented as a ratio : 7.51 = 751/100 Any number that can be represented as a ratio of 2 integers is classified as a rational number (other than that you can't use 0 for the denominator)
No - because it can be represented as a ratio : 8.01=801/100 Any number that can be represented as a ratio of 2 integers is classified as a rational number (other than that you can't use 0 for the denominator)
No - because it can be represented as a ratio of integers : 81 = 81/1 Any number that can be represented as a ratio of 2 integers is classified as a rational number (other than that you can't use 0 for the denominator)
No - because it can be represented as a ratio of integers : 10 = 10/1 Any number that can be represented as a ratio of 2 integers is classified as a rational number (other than that you can't use 0 for the denominator)
Bacteria are not classified by the number of chromosomes, or the type of mitochondria.