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f(x) = x^2 - 9x - 10 = ( x - 10 ) ( x + 1 )

Answer : ( x - 10 ) ( x + 1 )

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9y ago

x^2 - 9x - 10 = (x + 1)*(x - 10)

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Q: What are the factors of the polynomial x2-9x-10?
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How do you know if you have simplified a polynomial correctly?

I suppose you mean factoring the polynomial. You can check by multiplying the factors - the result should be the original polynomial.

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It is useful to know the linear factors of a polynomial because they give you the zeros of the polynomial. If (x-c) is one of the linear factors of a polynomial, then p(c)=0. Here the notation p(x) is used to denoted a polynomial function at p(c) means the value of that function when evaluated at c. Conversely, if d is a zero of the polynomial, then (x-d) is a factor.

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To find the factors of a polynomial from its graph follow this rule If the number is a root of a polynomial then x - c is a factor?


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If the factors of a polynomial are x - 2 and x - 5 what values of x make that polynomial 0?

2 or 5

How do you factor a polynomial if their are more than one factors?

Factor it once, and then factor the factors.

How do you factor a polynomial with the equation of 6A2 - B 2?

The given polynomial does not have factors with rational coefficients.

What are prime polynomials?

A polynomial that can't be separated into smaller factors.