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It means that if you go from left to right, on the graph, the slope - while remaining positive - decreases.In math terms: the first derivative is positive, but the second derivative is negative. Or more informally: from left to right, the curve goes up; on the other hand, it is concave downwards.

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It means that the variable in question is increasing, but the rate at which it is increasing is slowing down.

The following example may help illustrate this. Consider a car which starts from a standstill and gets up to its top speed as quickly as it can (ignore gear changes). At first it goes faster and its speed increases very quickly. The slope is a very large positive number. After a while, though, that sort of acceleration cannot be maintained and, although the speed is still increasing (the slope is positive ...) it is now increasing much more slowly (... but it is less positive than before). Eventually, the car reaches its top speed and the car cannot accelerate any further. The slope is now zero.

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