23/24 = 0.958333 ... 3 recurring
It is 0.958'3' recurring '3'
3.535353 is a recurring decimal.
You will get a recurring decimal in which the recurring pattern will show up after the terminating decimal has come to an end.
Expressed as a decimal, 2/23 = 0.0869565217391304347826 recurring (that is, 0.08695652173913043478260869565217391304347826...)
23/24 = 0.958333 ... 3 recurring
It is: 0.76666 ..... 6 recurring
It is 0.958'3' recurring '3'
23/3 = 7 and 2/3 = 7.666 (recurring) in decimal
3.535353 is a recurring decimal.
You will get a recurring decimal in which the recurring pattern will show up after the terminating decimal has come to an end.
23/3 = 7.66... recurring.23/3 = 7.66... recurring.23/3 = 7.66... recurring.23/3 = 7.66... recurring.
A pure recurring decimal is a type of repeating decimal. In a pure recurring decimal, all the digits of the decimal are repeated infinitely.
It is not a recurring decimal. 9/2 is 4.5