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Linnea Beatty

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3y ago
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15y ago

.0454 The correct amount of significant figures in an answer for division and multiplication problems are based on the the number with the least amount of sig figs in the problem. In this case, 923 limits the answer's sig figs to three. Because any leading zeros are not significant, you do not count the zero.

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Q: What is 923 divided by 20312 with correct amount of significant figures?
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Why is it important to use the correct number of significant figures when solving a problem?

you must know the correct amount of significant figures to round to because it will allow you to eliminate "insignificant" figures, which will shorten things up a bit when recording scientific information involving such figures.

How do sig figs work when you are dividing?

Which ever number has the least significant figures is the amount you use. For example: 4.123/2.2=1.874 But the correct answer with significant figures is 1.9

What is 2.072 to two significant figures?

To find a number to two significant figures or any amount of significant figures you look at one plus the amount of asked figures, in this case the third significant figure, and if it is 5 or greater increase the asked amount of significant figures by one. If it is 4 or less make no changes to your number. Finally report the calculated number with the asked amount of significant figures.

What is 1.23 multiplied by 0.89 with the correct amount of significant figures?

1.0947. This can be nicely rounded up to 1.1 as it is reasonably close.

When multiplying how do you know the proper amount of significant figures?

The least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer.

How many significant figures should be reported in the answer -2.006?

Three, so the answer would be 3.96. Always use the number with the smallest amount of significant figures to determine the amount of significant figures will be in the solution.

What is 28.26 times pi?

28.26 times pi which is 3.14 equals 88.78 or 88.8 if you need the correct amount of significant figures.

When multiplying or dividing measurements does the answer have the same amount of significant figures as the measurement with the most significant figures?

No, the one with the least.

What is an example for significant figures?

Significant figures are important for science, they tell how certain you are of a certain value. The rules for significant figures are as follows: If it is a decimal number, look at the first number on the left. If it is not zero, start counting the amount of numbers, and that's how many significant figures you have. For example, 7.495 has 4 significant figures. If it is zero, keep going until there is digit larger than zero, and start counting the numbers until the end. However many numbers there are, that's how many significant figures you have. For example, 0.000331 has 3 significant figures. If the number does not have a decimal, start from the right and if the number is not zero, start counting numbers and that's how many significant figures you have. For example, 93847 has 5 significant figures. If it is zero, the first significant figure will be the first non-zero digit. For example 3873000 has 4 significant figures. When you add or subtract some numbers, the amount of significant figures the answer should be expressed in depends on the number with the least amount of decimal places. For example, 4.398 + 5.2 = 9.6 You express the answer to the lowest number of decimal places a value you are adding or subtracting has. When you multiply or divide numbers, the answer is expressed to the lowest amount of significant figures that the values have. For example: 55 x 7 = 400 (when expressed with correct significant figures)

What is the amount of significant figures in 750.0?

4 of them.

How do you convert 8.08 x 5.232 into the correct of significant figures?

When multiplying, the product is going to have the same number of significant digits as the least amount in the factors. So 8.08 has three significant digits and 5.232 has four significant digits. Remember that any zeros in-between significant digits is always significant. Because the least amount of sig digs in the factors is three (from 8.08), the product is going to have three sig digs.Multiplying out normally: 8.08 × 5.232 = 42.27456Rounded to three places: 42.3