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A synchronous or asynchronous stream of signal consisting only of zero(no voltage) and one(position voltage) is called binary data stream. They may be bytestream, wordstream and so on.

Sending unique binary pulses periodically create a binary digital signal.

For example, you want to pass the number 346F5A through binary digital signal it will be 001101000110111101011010

Break it

0011-0100-0110-1111-0101-1010 you will find the binary equivalents of each digit.

This example is very simple. Usually complex form of data are sent to and fro through data lines, be it the SATA cable of your hard drive, the USB port or the internet.

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8y ago

A binary (base-2) digit is similar to the more familiar decimal (base-10) digits - the main difference being that only two digits are used instead of 10, and the place-value of each position is 2 times as much as the one to the right, rather than 10 times as much. For more information, check the Wikipedia with the title "Radix".

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8y ago

A Binary Digit is a digit used in Binary, or base 2; it can have one of two values: 0 and 1.

In computing a Binary Digit is abbreviated to, and called, a Bit.

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7y ago

"BIT" is a contraction of "BInary digiT"

ie a bit is a binary digit.

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8y ago

A binary digit is either of the digits 0 and 1 as used in the binary numeral system.

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