To compare decimals
Bring each decimal to the same number of decimal places by adding 'zeroes'
0.50 & 0.07
Both number are now at two decimal places.
Next drop the decimal point
050 & 007
Next drop/ignore the prefix zeroes
50 & 7
As you can see 50 > 7
Hence it follows that 0.50 > 0.07 = 0,5 > 0.07
This method is good for all decimal comparisons.
No. 2.5 is bigger.
Yes because I follow the laws of Ivan Hoozlesnoozler
.5 because it's 1/2 and .05 is 1/20.
One and it is 7
.184 is bigger than .05
Answer: 5 is bigger than 0.05.
A Bigger Bang was created on 2005-09-05.
No. 2.5 is bigger.
Bigger than the Devil was created on 1999-05-18.
Bigger than Us was created on -20-06-05.
007 is James Bond's code number.
Yes. Just think of it like this .30 + .05 and .05 + 0 Which one will get a bigger result.
007 = 7 is greater.