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Hilbert Boehm

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Q: What is lets say -30 divided by -6 positive or negative?
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What does a positive divided by a negative equal and why?

A negative. Lets say we have 6 you divide it by -6 you get -1. because negatives don't like being multiplied and divided by positives so the negative beats the other one up >.< but its different in Adding/Subtracting.

A positive is divided by a negative is the answer negative or positive?

previous answer: "the answer is - (negative)"I'd also like to add some steps and explainations to that.First, lets set a variable for the number---lets say x& y. If the positive number is x, and the negative one is y(lets make it -y to make it more clear), then the answer will equal x/-y. You can also write it into x/-y=x*1/-y or x*-(1/y). Since a negative number times a positive number will always be negative, then no matter what number you put for x or y, the answer will always be negative.The result will be negative.

When its a positive plus a positive do you add or subtract?

No a positive plus a positive is not a negative its a positive. because um lets say 6+7 there is no negative number so its just like regular adding.

How can you decide if the difference of two integers is positive or negative?

The difference is that when you are multiplying a negative with a postive it would be negative. Lets say their both negative then it would be postive. Examples: - - = + - +=+ - - - = - - - - -= +

Is consequence and impact same?

When you say consequences they are all positive. When you say impact, they may be positive or negative, such as positive impact or negative impact. But we don't use phrases like positive consequence or negative consequence. But there are surely positive and negative impacts! What do you say?

Is a positive plus a negative a negative?

well it depends if the negative is bigger than the positive or viseversa. lets say you have -5+7 it would equal 2. if it was -7+5 it would equal -2. In short, a positive number plus a negative number is the same thing as a positive number minus another positive number. Example: 3 + (-2) = 1 3 - 2 = 1

Does a posotive number minus a negative number equal a positive number?

KCC! keep change change ... lets say it is 6-(-7)= 6

Did the industrial revolution have more positive or negative effects?

Lets use newtons 3rd law(every thing has an equal and oppsite reaction) on this one.Id say it had an equal amount of positive and negtive effects.

What can you say about the sign of the sum of integers with unlike signs?

Positive + positive = positive Negative + negative = negative Positive + negative will take the sign of the number with the greater absolute value.

Why does a negative number subtracted from a negative number equal a positive number?

Lets say you are in debt to a bank and have a negative balance. If I subtract that balance (take the negative balance off you) then you have gained money. That is the easiest way to imagine it. I do understand mathematical concepts are not alwys easy to understand.

What can you say about the product of a negative integer and a positive integer?

negative integer

Is strange a positive or negative connotation?

Im going to have to say negative.