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18 square inches

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The area is 18 sq.inches.

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Q: What is the area of a right triangle with a base length of six inches and a height of six inches?
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What is the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle that has a base of 12 inches and a height of 12 inches?

16.97056275 or about 17 inches

What is the length of the median to the hypotenuse of a right triangle if the hypotenuse is 12 inches in length?

The median to the hypotenuse of a right triangle that is 12 inches in length is 6 inches.

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The hypotenuse of a right triangle with a base of 24 inches and height of 10 inches is: 26 inches.

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If you draw another altitude parallel to the height (the side which is perpendicular to the bases) of the trapezoid, you can see that a right triangle is formed.In this triangle the hypotenuse length is 17 in, and the base length equals to 28 - 16 = 12 in. From the Pythagorean theorem, height length = √(17 - 12) ≈ 12 in.Or find the measure of the angle (call it A) opposite to the height such as:cos A = 12/17A = cos-1 (12/17) ≈ 45⁰, which tells us that this right triangle is an isosceles triangle.Therefore, the height is (congruent with base) 12 inches long

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A right triangle with a leg length of 48 inches and a hypotenuse of 80 inches has a third leg of: 64 inches.

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The answer depends on what sort of triangle: right angled, equilateral, isosceles or scalene.

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What is the length of a leg of an isosceles right triangle if it is area is 72 square inches?

What is a length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle that has a length of 9 inches and width of 12 inches?

15 in

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The length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle with legs of lengths 6 and 8 inches is: 10 inches.

How can you find the base of a right triangle when you have the height and hypotenuse?

The square of the length of the base plus the square of the length of the height will equal the square of the length of the hypotenuse of your right triangle, per Pythagoras. Square the hypotenuse, subtract the square of the height, and then find the positive square root of that and you'll have the base of your right triangle.

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Its height is: (144*2)/20 = 14.4 inches

What is the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle with a 13 centimeters base and a 6 centimeters height?

The length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle with a 13 cm base and a 6 cm height is 14.32 cm