It is the number itself.
The greatest whole number is 89,999 The greatest real number is 89999.9 recurring (= 90,000)
It is: 40
It is 22.
If you're dividing a whole number by 2, then the greatest possible remainder is 1.
8 is the greatest possible whole number remainder, eg seventeen divided by nine...
No. If it is an integer then it is a whole number.
That is true.
When rounded to the nearest ten thousand, the number is 600,000. Least possible whole number: 595,001 Greatest possible whole number: 604,999 Explanation: Rounding to the nearest ten thousand means the original number falls within Β±5,000 of 600,000. The least possible value is 5,001 below 600,000 (595,001). The greatest possible value is 4,999 above 600,000 (604,999). This range ensures that when rounded to the nearest ten thousand, the number would stillΒ beΒ 600,000.
Greatest whole number is 259999.