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It is normally a parallel line parallel to the x or y axes on the Cartesian plane.

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7y ago

In two dimensions, it is a line parallel to the y-axis.

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That is a vertical line.

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Q: What is the name of a line with an undefined slope?
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What is the direction of the line with an undefined slope?

A vertical line has an undefined slope.

A horizontal line has an undefined slope?

No, the slope of a horizontal line is 0. The slope of a vertical line is undefined.

Do undefined slopes have a slope?

An undefined slope is just a line straight down. The slope is undefined.

Do horizontal lines have an undefined slope?

No. The slope of a horizontal line is zero. The slope of a vertical line is undefined.

Is an undefined slope a vertical or horizontal line?

An undefined slope is vertical.

How can you tell if a slope is zero or undefined?

A slope is 0 if it is a straight horizontal line. A slope is undefined if it is a straight vertical line.

Write an equation for undefined slope?

The equation of a line with an undefined slope is x = a.

What is the difference between a line that has a zero slope and a line that has a undefined slope?

zero is horizontal, undefined is vertical

When the slope of a line is indefinite?

The slope of a line is undefined if the line is vertical.

What is the difference between undefined slope and no slope?

Undefined slope is when a line is exactly on the y-axis, for reasons unknown, the slope of a line on the y-axis cannot be determined, so therefore it it "undefined." A line with no slope is a line with a slope of zero. In order for a line to have a slope of zero, it must be directly on the x-axis, meaning it is horizontal. Horizontal lines are straight and have no slope

Does a vertical line have an infinite slope?

No, the slope is undefined

Slope of a vertical line?

The slope of a vertical line is undefined. Horizontal slope is 0.