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A print subscription to the Economist can be obtained by calling customer service at 1 800 456 6086 if you live in North America. If you live in Latin America and Mexico, the number to call is 1 314 447 8091. For customers living in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, the number to call is 44 1444 475647, for Asia the number is 65 6534 5166.

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How can I cancel my economist subscription?

Call the toll free number which may be associated with the magazine. Search the magazine title and/or cover name and look for their customer service department so you can cancel your economist subscription.

What comes with an economist subscription?

Unfortuantely there is no way for me to know if your friend received a special offer that will deliver more than just your magazine. You can call the company directly and find out.

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Yes, you can call your bank to cancel a subscription.

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An economist

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A student of economics. After graduation: an economist.

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In the first few pages of a recent issue you will find contact information for the magazine. Simply call their listed phone number or visit their website and let customer service know that you wish to cancel your subscription.

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Call the paper or go to their web site.

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a change in demand

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1-888-959-1458 For the regular call centre. For the Corporate customer call centre it is 1-888-959-1458 .

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