Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by Answers.com means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "equals" etc. Also use ^ to indicate powers (eg x-squared = x^2).
As a consequence of the site issues, there is no equation, simply some random expressions. Equations can be solved, random expressions ... nope!
26 = 64
8 squared is the same as 82, which is the same as 8x8, which is 64.
Devide both sides by 64 X=0.1875 0.1875 *64= 12
To solve 8 to the power of 2 to the power of 5, you first calculate 8 to the power of 2, which is 64. Then, you raise 64 to the power of 5, which equals 1,073,741,824. This can be calculated by multiplying 64 by itself 5 times.
This problem actually has no solution. Any two numbers that will add to 6.5 will be too small to produce a multiple equal to 64. However, for problems like this in general, writing the question as a formula might help you solve it. 1. Assume the numbers are x and y. 2. Write two equations (two unknowns and two equations gives you enough information to solve). -The first part, "two numbers added equal 6.5" can be written as x + y = 6.5 -The second part, "two numbers multiplies equal 64" as xy = 64 3. Manipulate the equations to solve. For example: y = 64/x x + y = x + (64/x) = 6.5 4. Solve for x, and then use x to find y using either of the original formulas.
You cannot "solve" a single number!
x^2 = 64 x = +,- square root of 64 = +,- 8. Thus, x = -8 or x = 8
The GCF of 24 and 64 is 8. You use the distributive property to show another way to write the sum. 8(3 + 8)
26 = 64
8. 8(number of min.) x _ = 64 (number of min.) 8x_=64 and _=8
allocate more memory to run minecraft. Use a 64-bit java for optimum peformance
x2-64 = (x-8)(x+8)
56 64 are two positive integers. They do not illustrate the distributive property.
8 squared is the same as 82, which is the same as 8x8, which is 64.
I have 64 chromosomes.