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TIme period T is given by the expression 2pi./l/g

So T is inversely related to the g value at the place

At Muree value of aceeleration due to gravity g is less than that at Karachi. Hence the result

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Q: Why time period of a simple pendulum is greater at muree as compared to Karachi?
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What effect does shortening the length of the pendulum have on the period of the pendulum?

A shorter pendulum has a shorter period. A longer pendulum has a longer period.

Does the period of a pendulum increase or decrease on Moon?

The period of a pendulum (for short swings) is about 2 PI (L/g)1/2. The gravity on the moon is less than that on Earth by a factor of six, so the period of the pendulum on the moon would be greater, i.e. slower, by about a factor of 2.5.

How does the period of a pendulum change for length?

A longer pendulum has a longer period. A more massive pendulum has a longer period.

Does a short or a long pendulum have a longer period?

The time of swing of a pendulum is T = 2π √ (l/g) where l is the length of the pendulum. As T ∝√l (Time is directly proportional to the square root of l) then, the longer the pendulum, the greater is the period. Therefore longer pendulums have longer periods than shorter pendulums.

How does length effect the period of a pendulum?

A longer pendulum has a longer period.

How does height affect the period of a pendulum?

Height does not affect the period of a pendulum.

Why does the period of a pendulum not depend on the amplitude?

Actually, the period of a pendulum does depend slightly on the amplitude. But at low amplitudes, it almost doesn't depend on the amplitude at all. This is related to the fact that in such a case, the restoring force - the force that pulls the pendulum back to its center position - is proportional to the displacement. That is, if the pendulum moves away further, the restoring force will also be greater.

How does length and initial angle affect the period in a simple pendulum?

The longer the pendulum is, the greater the period of each swing. If you increase the length four times, you will double the period. It is hard to notice, but the period of a pendulum does depend on the angle of oscillation. For small angles, the period is constant and depends only on the length of the pendulum. As the angle of oscillation (amplitude) is increased, additional factors of a Taylor approximation become important. (T=2*pi*sqrt(L/g)[1+theta^2/16+...] and the period increases. (see hyper physics: Interestingly, if the pendulum is supported by a very light wire then the mass of the object at the end of the pendulum does not affect the period. Obviously, the greater the mass, the less any air friction or friction at the pivot will slow the pendulum. Also interestingly, the pendulum period is dependant on the force of gravity on the object (g). One must not assume that g is constant for all places on Earth.

Which factor affects the period of the pendulum?

The period of a pendulum is affected by the angle created by the swing of the pendulum, the length of the attachment to the mass, and the weight of the mass on the end of the pendulum.

In simple pendulum if string is flexible then what is effect on time period?

multiply the length of the pendulum by 4, the period doubles. the period is proportional to the square of the pendulum length.

How can you increase the period of a pendulum?

Increase the length of the pendulum

How does a pendulum bob filled with sand and a hole at bottom affect the time period?

At the extremities of the pendulum's swing, the sand leaving the bob could exert a force on the bob. Provided that this force is negligible and also, provided the mass of the bob (with or without the sand) is large compared with the rest of the pendulum, the time period should not be affected.