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Q: A high percent error means that your results was not very?
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What is the difference between low percent error and high percent error?

The difference between low percent error and high percent error is one is low and the other is high

How well the results of an experiment agree with the accepted value's.?


What is the difference between the low percent error and the high percent error?

If it's high that means it's very off and away from the actual value. If you find a low percent error it is very close or close to the true value.

What is a high percent error mean?

high percent error is the absolute value of something that is multiplied

A high percent error refers to?

A high percent error indicates that a certain value is very far from the accepted value. Percent error is the comparison of an estimated value to an exact one.

Is a high percent error good?


Can percent error be negative?

Sometimes you will take the absolute value of the percent error because your estimated number could be less than the theoretical, meaning the calculation is negative. But an absolute value is always positive. A percent error can be left as a negative though, and this would be perfectly acceptable (or even preferred) depending on what you're doing.Answer:In the sciences, a negative percent error indicates a low result. If you have a 0% error, then your observed (lab) result was exactly the same as the theoretical result. A 5% error could mean that your observed result was a little high. A negative percent error is possible; if your observed results were lower than the expected, then you would have a negative percent error. A -5% error could mean that your results were a little low. Having a negative percent error isn't worse than positive percent error -- it could mean the same thing. If you were to have a choice in having a 20% error and a -5% error, the negative percent error is more accurate.

What does a high standard error mean?

It means theres a high amount of variation between the results used to calculate the mean value for a particular sample or experiment

What means High WBC and High Absolute Gran and Gran percent but low lymph percent and low Baso percent and low Eos percent in blood work?

The only reliable place to get that answer is from the doctor who ordered your blood work from the lab. Now that you have the report, you must have him explain the results to you, because he will be using those results to make decisions on treatment for you.

If percent error in measurement of mass is 3 percent and percent error in measurement of velocity is 4 percent then what will the percentage error in measurement of kinetic energy?

The percentage error in kinetic energy can be calculated by summing the percentage errors in mass and velocity. Therefore, the percentage error in the measurement of kinetic energy would be 7 percent (3 percent + 4 percent).

What does high percent Eos mean in a CBC test?

A high percent of Eos means a high amount of Eosinophil's. This is often linked to allergic diseases and infections from parasites such as worms.

Is a 30 percent of rain high?

No, it means it is far more likely NOT to rain.