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Q: A point that has a negative x-coordinate and a positive y-coordinate is located in which quadrant?
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What are the x and y for each quadrant on a graph?

Quadrant I: x positive, y positive. Quadrant II: x negative, y positive. Quadrant III: x negative, y negative. Quadrant II: x positive, y negative.

What are the coordinates of a point that could be in each of the four quadrants?

The coordinates must be as follows: First quadrant: positive, positive Second quadrant: negative, positive Third quadrant: negative, negative Fourth quadrant: positive, negative

What are the signs of the coordinate in every quadrant?

Quadrant I: Top Right: x positive, y positive Quadrant II: Top Left: x negative, y positive Quadrant III: Bottom Left: x negative, y negative Quadrant IV: Bottom Right: x positive, y negative

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The third quadrant.

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1st quadrant is +x and +y.

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Quadrant with x value are positive and y value are negative?

4th quadrant

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The fourth quadrant

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The quadrants formed by the x and y axes are numbered anticlockwise from the quadrant in which both coordinates are positive (which is quadrant I). Thus negative x and positive y is in the quadrant II.

In which quadrant is the x coordinate negative and the y coordinate positive?

Second quadrant (II).