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Q: Does a normal curve ever intersect the x axis?
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Why two tail of normal distribution do not touch the horizontal axis?

The domain of the Normal distribution is the whole of the real line. As a result the horizontal axis is asymptotic to the Normal distribution curve. The curve gets closer and closer to the axis but never, ever reaches it.

Would you ever get a normal curve bell shape that is perfect?

Only in theory.

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Do parallel lines ever intersect?

No, parallel lines cannot ever intersect. The have identical slopes. Therefore, they will always remain parallel.

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What is perpendicular an d parallel lines?

Perpendicular lines intersect at a 90 degree angle. Parallel lines do not intersect, nor would they ever intersect if continued infinitely.

Do coplaner lines ever intersect?

if they are parallel -- no. if not parallel -- yes

Will the medians of an obtuse triangle ever intersect on the triangle?

Yes. Medians always intersect in a single point, called the centroid, or geocenter.

Will 2 parallel lines ever intersect?

Never in Euclidean geometry.

Define asymotote and explain the relationship between a hyperbola and its asymptotes?

An asymptote of a curve is a line where the distance of the curve and line approach zero as they tend to infinity (they get closer and closer without ever meeting) If one zooms out of a hyperbola, the straight lines are usually asymptotes as they get closer and closer to a specific point, yet do not reach that point.

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