Normally you would find the critical value when given the p value and the test statistic.
The critical value is used to test a null hypothesis against an alternative hypothesis at some pre-defined level of significance. A test statistic is calculated from the outcomes of a set of trials and if this test statistic is more extreme than the critical value then the null hypothesis must be rejected in favour of the alternative.
Every possible experimental outcome results in a value of the test statistic. The non-critical region is the collection of test statistic values that are associated with acceptance of the null hypothesis.
To start with you select your hypothesis and its opposite: the null and alternative hypotheses. You select a confidence level (alpha %), which is the probability that your testing procedure rejects the null hypothesis when, if fact, it is true.Next you select a test statistic and calculate its probability distribution under the two hypotheses. You then find the possible values of the test statistic which, if the null hypothesis were true, would only occur alpha % of the times. This is called the critical region.Carry out the trial and collect data. Calculate the value of the test statistic. If it lies in the critical region then you reject the null hypothesis and go with the alternative hypothesis. If the test statistic does not lie in the critical region then you have no evidence to reject the null hypothesis.
The answer depends on what the test statistic is: a t-statistic, z-score, chi square of something else.
The critical value for a 0.02 level of significance, denoted as α = 0.02, in a statistical test corresponds to the point on a distribution that separates the critical region (rejection region) from the non-critical region. To find the critical value, you would consult a statistical table or use a statistical calculator based on the specific test you are conducting (e.g., z-table, t-table, chi-square table). The critical value is chosen based on the desired level of significance, which represents the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is actually true.
The critical value is used to test a null hypothesis against an alternative hypothesis at some pre-defined level of significance. A test statistic is calculated from the outcomes of a set of trials and if this test statistic is more extreme than the critical value then the null hypothesis must be rejected in favour of the alternative.
When you formulate and test a statistical hypothesis, you compute a test statistic (a numerical value using a formula depending on the test). If the test statistic falls in the critical region, it leads us to reject our hypothesis. If it does not fall in the critical region, we do not reject our hypothesis. The critical region is a numerical interval.
Every possible experimental outcome results in a value of the test statistic. The non-critical region is the collection of test statistic values that are associated with acceptance of the null hypothesis.
A test statistic is a value calculated from a set of observations. A critical value depends on a null hypothesis about the distribution of the variable and the degree of certainty required from the test. Given a null hypothesis it may be possible to calculate the distribution of the test statistic. Then, given an alternative hypothesis, it is may be possible to calculate the probability of the test statistic taking the observed (or more extreme) value under the null hypothesis and the alternative. Finally, you need the degree of certainty required from the test and this will determine the value such that if the test statistic is more extreme than the critical value, it is unlikely that the observations are consistent with the hypothesis so it must be rejected in favour of the alternative hypothesis. It may not always be possible to calculate the distribution function for the variable.
Any decision based on the test statistic is marginal in such a case. It is important to remember that the test statistic is derived on the basis of the null hypothesis and does not make use of the distribution under the alternative hypothesis.
To start with you select your hypothesis and its opposite: the null and alternative hypotheses. You select a confidence level (alpha %), which is the probability that your testing procedure rejects the null hypothesis when, if fact, it is true.Next you select a test statistic and calculate its probability distribution under the two hypotheses. You then find the possible values of the test statistic which, if the null hypothesis were true, would only occur alpha % of the times. This is called the critical region.Carry out the trial and collect data. Calculate the value of the test statistic. If it lies in the critical region then you reject the null hypothesis and go with the alternative hypothesis. If the test statistic does not lie in the critical region then you have no evidence to reject the null hypothesis.
Usually when the test statistic is in the critical region.
The test statistic is a measure of how close the sample proportion is to the null value.
For an inferential statistic such as a one-sided t, an F or a chi-square test, a critical value is the number above which a fraction of the values of the inference statistics equal to the alpha level would fall on repeated trials if the null hypothesis were true. For example, suppose the research has chosen an alpha level of 0.05. She has a sample size of 11 and will be using a one-sided t-statistic because she is interested in deciding whether the mean of the population from which she has drawn her sample exceeds a certain given value. The critical value for a t-test in this situation is about 1.8 because about 0.05 of the time anyone could take a sample of size 11 from a population with a known mean and find that the t-statistic calculated for the sample exceeds 1.8.
W The test statistic is is the critical region or it exceeds the critical level. What this means is that there is a very low probability (less than the critical level) that the test statistics could have attained a value as extreme (or more extreme) if the null hypothesis were true. In simpler terms, if the null hypothesis were true you are very, very unlikely to get such an extreme value for the test statistic. And although it is possible that this happened purely by chance, it is more likely that the null hypothesis was wrong and so you reject it.
if my data followed to a special distribution, how can i calculate the critical value of k-s test in this case?
It is the test statistic.