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Prob(A given B) = Prob(A and B)/Prob(B)

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Q: How do you find the probability of a given b?
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How does one find the probability of A given B compliment?

P(A given B')=[P(A)-P(AnB)]/[1-P(B)].In words: Probability of A given B compliment is equal to the Probability of A minus the Probability of A intersect B, divided by 1 minus the probability of B.

How do you find the probability of A and B when you don't know the probability of A given B?

If A and B are independent, then you can multiply the two probabilities

How do find the probability of A complement given B complement?

With the information that is available from the question, it is impossible.

The probability of event A occurring given event B has occurred is an example of?

The probability of event A occurring given event B has occurred is an example of conditional probability.

What are the uses of probability ratio?

With probability ratios the value you get to describe the strength of the relationship when you compare (A given B) to (A given not B) is not the same as what you get when you compare (not A given B) to (not A given not B). This is, IMHO, a big problem. There is no such problem with odds ratios.

What is multiplication rule in probability?

Given two events, A and B, the conditional probability rule states that P(A and B) = P(A given that B has occurred)*P(B) If A and B are independent, then the occurrence (or not) of B makes no difference to the probability of A happening. So that P(A given that B has occurred) = P(A) and therefore, you get P(A and B) = P(A)*P(B)

What is the or rule in probability?

Given two events, A and B, the probability of A or B is the probability of occurrence of only A, or only B or both. In mathematical terms: Prob(A or B) = Prob(A) + Prob(B) - Prob(A and B).

Can be read as the probability that A occurs given that B has occurred?

Pr(A | B)

Probability of A compliment given by B?


How do you find the probability of independent and dependent events?

P(A given B)*P(B)=P(A and B), where event A is dependent on event B. Finding the probability of an independent event really depends on the situation (dart throwing, coin flipping, even Schrodinger's cat...).

How do you find P A given B?

P(A|B)= P(A n B) / P(B) P(A n B) = probability of both A and B happening to check for independence you see if P(A|B) = P(B)

What is the relationship between conditional probability and the concept of statistical independence?

If events A and B are statistically indepnedent, then the conditional probability of A, given that B has occurred is the same as the unconditional probability of A. In symbolic terms, Prob(A|B) = Prob(A).