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Examples like the propability for raining tommorrow will 1/2 may or may not happen probability is called possibility

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Q: How do you make predictions using experimental probability?
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How do you do you increase accuracy in a theoritcal or experimental probability?

You improve your model through a better understanding of the underlying processes. Although more trials will improve the accuracy of experimental probability they will make no difference to the theoretical probability.

How can probability be used to make predictions?

Well... with what I learned from Mrs. Franks, mt math teacher, she said for weather. For example there with be a probability of 75 degrees today.

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Do ecologists make predictions using ecological models?

yes they do

Ecologist can make predictions using ecological models is this true?

it is true =)

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How do scientists make predictions?

Scientists make predictions by using the scientific method, which involves forming a hypothesis based on existing knowledge and conducting experiments or observations to test the hypothesis. By analyzing the data collected from these experiments, scientists can make informed predictions about future outcomes or trends. Predictions are continuously refined and updated based on new evidence and research findings.

Analyzing data in graphs or charts allows you to .?

Make predictions

Why do you need probability in real life?

Because there are many events whose outcomes cannot be determined. However, using probability it may be possible to make a good estimate as to the outcome.Because there are many events whose outcomes cannot be determined. However, using probability it may be possible to make a good estimate as to the outcome.Because there are many events whose outcomes cannot be determined. However, using probability it may be possible to make a good estimate as to the outcome.Because there are many events whose outcomes cannot be determined. However, using probability it may be possible to make a good estimate as to the outcome.