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something like 5 trillion

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Q: How many bricks are made per year?
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How many bricks do ibstock have the capacity to produce each year?

Ibstock has the capacity to produce about 900 million bricks per year.

How many lego bricks are made per minute?

they make 600 per second, 36,000 per minute, 51,840,000 daily, 1,583,333,333 per month, and 19,000,000,000 (19 billion) a year.

How much bricks are consumed in construction industry in india?

Considering India as a whole, about 100 bricks are consumed per year per person.

How many bricks are there in 1m squared?

There are 60 bricks per m2. (59.26 to be precise).

How many maxi bricks in a square meter?

60 bricks per square metre

How many bricks will consume for per cubic meter of brick work?

500 bricks

How many common bricks per square meter 230 thickness?

120 bricks/m²

How many regular bricks per sq ft?

There are exactly 6.75 bricks per square foot. Standard modular brick courses 3 bricks per 8" vertically, and 8" per brick horizontally. Therefore, 1 square foot is 1.5 bricks wide x 4.5 bricks high, or 6.75 bricks per square foot. Keep in mind, there are MANY different brick sizes, but this calculation holds true for standard 'modular' brick.

How many bricks per sq feet in a 9 thick wall?

Depends on the size of the bricks and their orientation.

How many jumbo bricks per sq ft?


A factory produces 0.2 of a brick every tenth of a second how many can they make on a 8 hour day?

0.2 bricks in 0.1 second. Multiply by 10 to see how many in 1 second. 0.2 * 10 = 2 bricks per second 2 bricks per second * 60 seconds per minute * 60 minutes per hour * 8 hours = 57600 bricks per day.■

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