As there are 26 letters in the alphabet. You can calculate the number of combinations by multiplying 26x26x26, giving you the answer 17576.
Assuming you are using the standard English alphabet, the number of combinations you can make are: 26 x 26 = 676 combinations.
The question contradicts itself. The order of the letters is irrelevant in a combination [though it does matter in a permutation]. So what is it that you are asking for? Combinations or order-dependent arrangements?
There are 26! (which means 26*25*24 all the way to 1) permutations. this comes to 403,291,461,100,000,000,000,000,000 different combinations. If it takes you thirty seconds to write out one combination, then it would take 383,123,823,100,000,000,000 YEARS to write all the combinations. To put this into context, the universe (and possibly time itself) is only 13,700,000,000 years old.
you cam make 36 different combinations.Ans 2.If you roll one dice twice, there are 36 combinations, if and only if you count 1,2 as different from 2,1.If you are rolling two dice (at once) there are only 21 different combinations !
Depends what you're asking. If all 4 letters have to be involved, that's very different than if you can have combos of 3,2, or 1. Also if they have to make a word then that's a different question that should be posed in the English category. If however, it is merely how many 4 letter combinations can you make of those 4 letters, then it is 24. Found by 4! which is merely 4x3x2x1.
Because there are 7 letters that don't repeat, 7X6X5X4=840 combinations. To give you an idea of how to solve the problem, if there had been 9 letters and you wanted to make combinations of 3 letters, you would multiply: 9X8X7=504
As there are 26 letters in the alphabet. You can calculate the number of combinations by multiplying 26x26x26, giving you the answer 17576.
You could make 10*10*10*26*26*26 combinations, or 17576000 combinations.
Assuming you are using the standard English alphabet, the number of combinations you can make are: 26 x 26 = 676 combinations.
Two make combinations you would take 2x1=2 combinations only
you can make 6
You have eight letters to work with, and can use any four of them, but only once per combination. That means that the total number of possible combinations you can make is: 8! / (8 - 4)! = 8! / 4! = 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 = 1680 So there are 1680 possible combinations.
7,893,600 (seven million, 8 hundred ninety-three thousand, 600) combinations in English.
Phonics is a method of teaching reading and spelling by demonstrating the relationship between sounds and their corresponding written symbols (letters or letter combinations). It involves teaching students how to decode words by recognizing the sounds that letters or letter combinations make. Phonics instruction helps students become proficient readers and writers.
26*25*24*23*22*21*20*19 = 62,990,928,000