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This is equal to 1 which would imply the probability of flipping a head is certain. Obviously not correct as the probability of flipping a head in a fair dice is 1/2 or 0.5

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Q: If you flip a coin 100 times and heads show 40 times what are the odds for flipping head?
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What is the probability of flipping a coin 4 times and getting 4 heads?

You still still have a 1:2 chance of getting heads regardless of the times you flip.

While flipping a coin 100 times John gets 44 heads and 56 tails Enter the theoretical probability of getting a tail while flipping a perfectly balanced coin?

Every time you flip a coin it has a 50% chance of heads and a 50% chance of tails. Flipping a coin multiple times does not change that. Therefore the answer is 50%

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I f you flip the same coin 5 times in a row, chances are 1/32 ( 1/2 each flip multiplied 5 times) Ans: 1 in 32

What is the probability of flipping a coin three times and it landing on heads all three times?

1/8. The probability of flipping a coin three times and it landing on head is 1/2, as a coin only has two sides. You flip a coin three times, therefore the answer is (1/2)^3 = 1/8.

What is the probibility of getting six heads when you flip a coin 7times?

The probability of getting 6 heads and 1 tail when flipping a fair coin 7 times is:7*(1/2)6*(1/2) = 7/128.

What is the possible outcome of flipping a coin?

Each time you flip a fair coin it has the same equal chance of landing on heads or tails. That is, even if you get (for example) 19 heads in a row, the next flip still has 50% chance of landing on tails (if the coin is fair).

If you flip a coin and toss a one to six What is the probability of getting three heads?

The odds of flipping a coin and having it come up heads three times in a row is (1/2)*(1/2)*(1/2)=(1/8) or 12.5% ■

If you flip a coin 5 times what is the probability it comes up heads on the 3rd flip?

The probability of 'heads' on any flip is 50% .

What is the probability if you flip a coin 3 times and you get no heads?


If you flip a a coin 20 times what is the probability that the coin will land on heads?

There is a fifty percent chance of the coin landing on "heads" each time it is flipped.However, flipping a coin 20 times virtually guarantees that it will land on "heads" at least once in that twenty times. (99.9999046325684 percent chance)You can see this by considering two coin flips. Here are the possibilities:Heads, heads.Heads, tails.Tails, tails.Tails, heads.You will note in the tossing of the coin twice that while each flip is fifty/fifty, that for the two flip series, there are three ways that it has heads come up at least once, and only one way in which heads does not come up.In other words, while it is a fifty percent chance for heads each time, it is a seventy five percent chance of seeing it be heads once if you are flipping twice.If you wish to know the odds of it not being heads in a twenty time flip, you would multiply .5 times .5 times .5...twenty times total. Or .5 to the twentieth power.That works out to a 99.9999046325684 percent chance of it coming up heads at least once in the twenty times of it being flipped.

What is the probability that the results are all heads or tails when you flip a coin 5 times?

50%. there are only 2 choices heads or tails and that doesn't change no matter how many times you flip the coin

If I were to flip a coin 2 times. What is the probability of getting heads?
