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Neither. It is a discrete variable.

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Q: Is number of children a continuous variable or categorical variable?
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Is the number of children in a family a continuous variable?

On the contrary, the number of children in a given family is a discontinuous variable. If you were talking about averagenumbers of children, that would be a continuous variable because the average could be any number, 2.3987, or 3.07428, and so forth. But in a given family, the number of children is always an integer. You can have none, or one, or two, or three, etc., but you cannot have two and a quarter children. So the variable is not continuous.

Is age a continuous variable?

Continuous variables have an unlimited number of possibilities between two points. In the scientific realm, age is a continuous variable.

What is the difference between a categorical variable and numerical variable?

Basically categorical variable yield data in the categories e.g sex (male, female), modes of transport (Bus, railway, etc) and numerical variables yield data in numerical form e.g. age (0-100), number of accident on a certain highway (0,1,2,..).

Is family size a continuous variable?

No, this is a discrete variable since it can assume only whole number values: 0, 1, 2, 3, ... . A continuous variable would be one such as volume of water in a swimming pool which could be measured in real number units of volume.

What is the difference between a categorical and a numerical variable?

Categorical data (or variable) consists of names representing categories. For example, the gender (categories of male & female) of the people where you work or go to school; or the make of cars in the parking lot (categories of Ford, GM, Toyota, Mazda, KIA, etc) is categorical data. Numerical data (or variable) consists of numbers that represent counts or measurements. For example, the number of males & females where you work or go to school; or the number of the make of cars Ford, GM, Toyota, Mazda, KIA, etc is numerical data.

Related questions

Is the number of children in a family a continuous variable?

On the contrary, the number of children in a given family is a discontinuous variable. If you were talking about averagenumbers of children, that would be a continuous variable because the average could be any number, 2.3987, or 3.07428, and so forth. But in a given family, the number of children is always an integer. You can have none, or one, or two, or three, etc., but you cannot have two and a quarter children. So the variable is not continuous.

Difference between dummy and categorical variable?

A dummy variable assumes a value of either 0 or 1. A categorical variable assumes one of a usually small number of values. For example, a categorical variable might assume the values 'F' or 'M' for female or male.

When does it make sense not to connect points on a coordinate graph?

There are a number of situations when it does not make sense. Among these, the two main reasons are:The variable along the x-axis is nominal (categorical) or ordinal.The variable along the y-axis is not continuous.

What does continuous variable mean in science?

A quantitative variable where there is a continuous (no infinite number) of attributes. For example length/height/weight can be measure as continuous as it has not set number

Is age a continuous variable?

Continuous variables have an unlimited number of possibilities between two points. In the scientific realm, age is a continuous variable.

Different types of variables?

In statistics or data management, there are two main types of variables. Each of these types of variables can then be divided into two more types of variables.1. Categorical variableA categorical variable is commonly known as a qualitative variable. Every response can be placed into a category. A response may fit into a specific category (mutually exclusive), or it may fit into a category such as "other" along with other responses (exhaustive). Categorical variables are either nominal or ordinal. A nominal variable is a word that describes a category (i.e. horse, dog, cat) and the order does not matter. An ordinal variable uses categories that have to be placed in an order (i.e. very bad, bad, ok, good, very good).2. Numeric variableA numeric variable is a variable that is expressed by a real number. It is commonly referred to as a quantitative variable. Numeric variables can either be continuous or discrete. A continuous variable is variable that can assume an infinite number of real values (i.e. 2.345....). These variables are often grouped into class intervals. A discrete variable is a variable with a finite number of real values (i.e. shoe size).Grade 12 Data Management class

Is a telephone number a continuous variable?

No it is not a continuous variable because whilst you could have telephone numbers such as 123456 and 123457 you could not have a telephone number that was in between these two such as 123456.5.

What are categorical variables?

Categorical variables are variables that represent categories or groups. They are qualitative in nature and can take on values that are in a finite set of distinct categories, but do not have a inherent order or numerical significance. Examples include color (red, blue, green) or gender (male, female).

What is the difference between a categorical variable and numerical variable?

Basically categorical variable yield data in the categories e.g sex (male, female), modes of transport (Bus, railway, etc) and numerical variables yield data in numerical form e.g. age (0-100), number of accident on a certain highway (0,1,2,..).

What is Continuous characters?

Primary locator, secondary locator, variable: - number.

Is family size a continuous variable?

No, this is a discrete variable since it can assume only whole number values: 0, 1, 2, 3, ... . A continuous variable would be one such as volume of water in a swimming pool which could be measured in real number units of volume.

What type of variable is the number of car accidents reported in your city?

Depends, if you're looking for the raw score then you have a continuous ordinal variable. If you have range of number of car accidents, then you have an interval variable.